Sunday, February 9, 2014

Am I Delusional?

Am I delusional? This is a question I ask myself fairly often. I know it's weird and maybe even uncomfortable to think about, but it's honestly how I feel sometimes. This is not in the way you are thinking. Many times I have thoughts and dreams of ways to reach the kingdom of God that seem outright delusional. It's not the kind of thing that everyone else is doing or things that even seem do-able. This is usually when I'm reminded that things God calls us to do are delusional sometimes (from the world's viewpoint).

God really spoke to me today and reassured me that I'm not delusional. I'm just willing to be "all in" for His plans for my life. My church served at various locations around the city and invited several non-profits and missionaries to speak this weekend. This morning our speaker for my life group was Bryan Kaiser, a man who started a nonprofit called "God's Eyes". God called this "average guy" to provide eyeglasses for the poor all around the world. He had no clue how he would do it or why God even called him. His testimony through the beginning of his nonprofit to now was such an encouragement to me. I'm sure his plan seemed delusional to many around him (even to himself) but he did not allow that to make him waver in his obedience to God. I felt an instant connection of kindred spirits as I listened to him share his vision and heart for what God has called him to do.

I want to relay some truths I received from Bryan's testimony today... God will show us specifically what we should do if we are open to hearing it. If we go "all in" the provisions will come. We cannot listen to common sense when God is in the midst of our lives. God can and will do whatever He wants because there is nothing impossible for Him. We have to be obedient to whatever God is telling us to do. We cannot allow a spirit of fear or mocking from the next person to diminish what God has clearly shown us. Lastly, God is looking for vessels He can pour through. The question is, will we allow Him to use us as His vessels?

Everyone, we have a legacy to leave. What will we be known for? Will we step up and do what God tells us to do, or will we play it "safe" in order to fit in? God is calling some of us out right now. I feel it with every ounce of my being. I don't know about you but I'm willing to be viewed as delusional as long as I'm following God in obedience and building up His kingdom!!! Let's all leave a godly legacy for the generations to come.

In Christ,

*If you want to know more about "God's Eyes" please visit

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Middle

I feel like I'm in the middle right now and quite honestly it has been hard for me. I've basically been waiting on God to reveal what I am supposed to do next. I've been overwhelmed with a need to plan my next steps to make sure I am doing His will. Many of you probably feel like you are in the middle too.

I've prayed, cried out, and even negotiated with God in the past couple of months. I've been desperate for some sort of revelation. He has pointed out that the middle should not be viewed as some sort of punishment and that my faith is being authenticated in "the middle".

My recent trip to New Orleans helped me refocus during this journey. God reminded me that life is all about relationships. Relationships with Him, relationships with family, relationship with friends, and relationships with others. Loving God and loving our neighbors is the goal. I felt an overwhelming conviction that instead of worrying about what's next I need to instead be focused on the relationships that God has put all around me.

So what does all this mean for you and me? The middle produces challenges and requires us to make some hard choices. Don't make excuses. Excuses are ultimately just a reason to keep doing the same thing without feeling guilty. We need to have a perspective change about the middle. We need to embrace it and follow God's promptings. God is leading us in the direction He wants us to take. It may be a totally new thing. Be open and choose wisely. Don't give up and turn back to the familiar. Don't allow fear to cause you to do nothing or worse go backward.

I have no idea what is in store for me but I've resolved to let God do His thing. I'll continue to love Him with all I am. I'll continue to love my neighbors. I'll continue to be who God has called me to be... a disciple who tells others about Him. Lets "live out" our faith daily because God has a plan for each of us. It will come to pass!