Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Just a heads up this blog post cuts straight to the point of the matter. I'm sure each of you will be convicted as I have been. Stick with it and pray that God opens your eyes and your heart so that you can grow in Him throughout this process. 

It drives me up the wall how women treat each other, inside and outside the church. We may not overtly be rude to someone but even in our subtleness the point is evident. If you don't look like us, act like us, or like what we like, then you might as well not attempt to be in community with us. You can attend an event but don't think you are a part of my circle. This is sad on so many levels especially since one of the Great Commandments is to love others.

But you may say wait a minute Alissa I am never rude or discriminate against other women. I'm always nice and cordial. I smile from across the room and occasionally ask people how their day is going. Girlfriend allow me to let you in on something. Saying hello and being "nice" is not what loving others is about. Love is an action and many times requires sacrifice. Further, we are supposed to be "sisters" in Christ. It's been my experience that we treat other women more like distant cousins at a family reunion that we wish we didn't have to attend. 

Being a sister in Christ means reaching out to women who may not be the "type" of women you normally deal with. Being a sister in Christ means getting out of your clique and embracing another woman who may not have any other friends. Being a sister in Christ means praying for opportunities to reach women no one else wants to reach. Being a sister in Christ means being willing and available for God to use you in the life of a woman at her time of need even when it's not convenient.

Wake up! Many times women are better at tearing each other down than lifting each other up. So many walls have been built up in order to keep us from getting hurt that we don't understand we are isolating ourselves from what God really wants from us. How in the world are we going to fulfill the command to love others if we don't even like each other?! God wants us to be in community. In doing so we have to get out of our comfort zones. 

Wake up! We have a generation of young women looking up to us. We have to show them how to encourage one another. They need to see the difference in how Christian women are to act. No one else is going to show them how the sisterhood is supposed to be. We have to wake up and take our job seriously. 

God is calling forth women who want to be evidence of what being a sister in Christ is all about. You don't want to sleep on this movement of God. WAKE UP!!!

The following are only a few Scriptures pointing us to wake up, encourage one another and love one another as God has instructed.

"Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and God will shine on you" Ephesians 5:14

"For you were once darkness, but now you are the light in the Lord. Walk as children of light- for the fruit of the light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth- discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. Ephesians 5:8-10

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing" 1 Thessalonians  5:11

"By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" John 13:35

"Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God" 1 John 4:7

Based on Scripture and my personal stance on the subject I want to offer some practical ways to become the type of women who love others and bring God glory through their relationships:

1. Stop sizing up women before you even have a chance to say hello. 
2. Be open to get to know women you normally wouldn't hang around. 
3. Pray for women who come to your mind. 
4. Encourage women consistently. 
5. Allow God to stir your heart and follow Him in obedience. 

If you start by doing these things God will grow you in more ways than you will ever imagine. It may be hard because the world tells us "no new friends" is cool and that there is such a thing as "having enough friends". However, God expects more from His daughters. He calls us to be salt and light. Show others that God sits on the throne of your life. 

There are so many women dealing with unimaginable hurts who need encouraging words and for sisters in Christ to come alongside them. Let's resolve to love one another through the great and difficult times of life. Be the woman of God He has called you to be. Not because I said so but because God gets all the glory when we act according to His will. 

If God has awakened you by reading this post don't ignore it. Stay in Scripture. Choose to go against the culture. Make a change. It is never too late to get back on track.  Lets keep each other accountable, encouraged, and lifted up in prayer. Also, please forward this to other women you know!  This is not about me. This is about all of us growing in Christ. 

In Christ,

Monday, October 6, 2014

Trying to Connect

My husband recently bought me a new hot pink bluetooth device for me to wear around my neck. I love it not only because of its color (I love pink!) but also because it helps distract me from cooking and cleaning. I can listen to my music or talk to a close friend while still being productive.  It's truly a win-win solution for my daily to do list. Many times I forget I have it on while walking around the house or playing with my kids. To work properly my phone has to be close enough to pick up the bluetooth signal. Once I get out of range the headset reminds me with the message "trying to connect". Only then do I remember I need to go closer to the source for my device to work in its intended function.

God used this illustration in a mighty way to reveal a bigger truth to me. He allowed me to see He has been saying the same thing to me lately. In my spirit I heard Him say, "Alissa, I'm trying to connect with you". That moment of clarity reminded me in order to truly connect with God I have to be close to Him. He wants an intimate relationship that only comes through connectedness.

If I polled the people reading this blog I'm pretty sure the majority would say they want to know and connect with God more. So the question becomes how can we know God more? The answer is easy. Intentionally stay in His word, seek His face, and talk to Him constantly. He is not hiding from us. We are the ones who are walking further and further away without even realizing it. He is calling out to us "trying to connect" but are we listening?

Reclaim your relationship with God. Connect with Him on a deeper level. Ultimately allow Him to work in your life and fulfill the plans He has for you.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share with your friends who may need to hear this message.

In Christ,