Similar to those who have impacted us, we can impact others. We are equipped by God with certain gifts and talents. Each of us has certain experiences that have shaped us. Why not use these gifts, talents, and experiences to impact others? One of the best gifts you can give is your time. Whether that's lending a listening ear, teaching a craft or skill, or encouraging a friend we should find a way to impact those around us. The motive is not to get a pat on the back but to give back a portion of what has been given to us.
Based on my gifts, talents, and experiences I continually look for ways to impact individuals who are confused, hurting, and feel like hope is dwindling. I currently mentor at a local pregnancy center and middle school. I also seek out opportunities to speak life into what seems like dead situations. How could I not tell people about the Savior of the world who provides hope to the hopeless? My methods may change as time goes on but my mission will always be to tell others about Christ and make an impact for Him. I may never reach the masses with my words and deeds but I am determined to make an impact on those who are in my path.
Through God's providence we are alive at this moment for such a time as this. I truly believe we are not here to impress but to impact. How will you use your life to make an impact? What is something God has impressed upon your heart to do? How can your gifts be used in a God honoring way?
However the Lord has gifted you use it for His glory. You never know how you may positively affect a person's life. I remember several individuals whose impact changed the trajectory of my life and I am forever grateful. Reflect on those who made an impact in your life. Now GO and make an IMPACT in someone else's life for the kingdom for God.
In Christ,