Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Saying Yes to God

God is really dealing with me about this obedience thing! I read What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst over a year ago. God keeps taking me back to that book and the richness found therein. God wants us to follow His will for our lives instead of trying to make our own path. I know many godly women, including me, who are fervently praying and asking God to show up in our lives. We sometimes get discouraged when it seems God does not answer. I've learned God indeed hears our prayers and He will answer them in His way and timing. We all are notorious for praying to God to reveal the next move. Did you know that sometimes the next move is to stay where you are in the present? The truth is you may not have learned what God is trying to teach you during this season. Don't be quick to want to move ahead of God's timing. Believe me that is not what you want (been there done that!). There is a reason God has you where you are and you need to learn the lesson before moving ahead. When the impatience settles in and you want to go on to the "next thing"instead of praying for God to move you, pray for God to reveal what He is trying to teach you. Once you learn and apply the lesson, God will take you where He wants you to go.

For those of you who think you have missed a Word from God, please know you will not blink and miss what God is trying to teach you. As long as you have a willing heart He will continue to show you the way. If He needs to He will beat you over the head with the lesson. I am a witness that when you ask God to reveal something and you are open to receiving an answer He will use every possible way to get your attention. Do I have a witness?!

Lets all resolve to say yes to God no matter what He reveals to us. Lets pray together as Lysa TerKeurst does in her book, "Right now I say yes, Lord. I say yes to You before I even know what You might ask me to do. I simply want You to see a yes-heart in me."

I'm praying for all of you! I can't wait to hear how God shows up in your lives because I KNOW He will.