Thursday, May 8, 2014


I am so excited to announce I am officially FINISHED with seminary! I am almost in shock even though I have been counting down this day for the last 6 months. I won't lie I had tears in my eyes when I submitted my last assignment. Honestly, I didn't know if I could do this. This journey has been a hard one because many times I didn't feel I had what it took to go to seminary. I wasn't well versed in the Bible nor did I completely understand what God wanted from me. Throughout this process God showed me that He is there with me every step of the way. I have grown so much these past few years. I am now confident that God can and will use me to bring Him glory.

I vividly remember God showing me that I was supposed to go to seminary. At the time I didn't know exactly what seminary was but I decided to be obedient to His command. I thank God that I have an understanding husband who has led my family through this journey. We are currently in our 4th state since I got the calling. God has used every stop on this journey to help me understand my purpose. I know He will continue to lead me and guide me in the direction I am supposed to go.

When I say it is finished, it doesn't mean that I am about to ride into the sunset with my degree. This degree is only one step of obedience. I have so much that I want to do and WILL do in my life to bring people closer to God. When I think about my life and see how far I have come I can't help but praise God. From a teenage mom to a seminary graduate... Hallelujah!

For those of you reading this please do not let anyone put a limitation on you because God never will.  I love each of you!

In Christ,

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