Tuesday, September 6, 2016

When Giving Your All Stings

I am the queen of telling my children and others to give their all in everything they do. Our family's motto is to do everything in excellence... not perfection, but excellence. I preach that we all can and should give 100% no matter what the outcome may be. Auburn University taught me to believe in Work, Hard Work and that's exactly what I want my children to do.

Giving 100% or being "all in" as my family calls it can be daunting especially when it is something we really want. The daunting part isn't the actual work; it's the impending result. If I'm honest there are times I give a little less than 100% in hopes it will hurt less if the outcome is not what I hoped for.

Last week I had to practice what I've been preaching. An opportunity presented itself and I really wanted it to come to fruition. I was met with the option of giving 100% or holding back just a little. I committed to giving 100% and putting it all on the line. I studied, practiced, and answered the questions appropriately. Throughout the process I prayed for God to reveal Himself and show me if I was making the right decision. I promised Him I would trust Him with the result. As I got closer to the impending decision the more focused I became, all the while knowing God could say no or not yet.

The outcome did not end as I hoped and the rejection stung because I had worked so hard. But guess what? I didn't linger in those thoughts because I knew it was nothing more I could have done. I had given all I had... my 100%. Everyone affirmed my work ethic and confidence throughout the process. It wasn't that I didn't give 100%; it was God closing that particular door and I'm grateful for that. I believe He must have something better for me in the future.

There will be times when 100% isn't enough to reach (your) goals. That should not stop you from giving your all because there is so much to learn during the process. When you give your all, you have done everything in your power. Then you can rest in God's power and allow Him to open or close the door. 

Friends, are you giving your all, your 100%? Are you studying your hardest? Are you being the best version of yourself? Even when you are scared, fearful, and uncertain of the outcome, God wants your all. Put it all on the altar and watch Him work in your life. Allow growth to occur by being stretched beyond the limits YOU have placed upon yourself. Give your 100% and watch what God can do to you and through you.

In Christ,

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